Tournament Code of conduct

Practice "FAIR-PLAY" at all times.  Remember it is the playing, enjoying and not the winning at all costs.

Represent yourselves and your teams with honour. Show respect to your teammates and opponents as well.

Warm up and drink plenty of fluids, and most of all, ENJOY YOURSELVES.


The organizers reserve the right to intervene in any game and apply specific rules to a team or individual to ensure a safe environment exists for all participants.

Spectators must not be at the playing area, especially children.  If you have children, then please ensure they are positioned safely.  Games will not be allowed to proceed until safety is achieved.

The organizers endeavor to provide a safe environment, however, are not liable for injury of persons within the facility or any loss incurred.

The organisers reserve the right to reject late entry of a team including change of the rules or competition framework at any time in order to finish all scheduled games on time.

The organizers reserve the right to reject the registration of a team or individual players that were cited and sanctioned for unsportsmanlike or untoward behaviour in the preceding Labour Weekend tournament, as confirmed by the Federation Sports Committee.

As part of team and player registration, all participants will be required to familiarize and abide by a Player Code of Conduct (applicable to all events).  For team events it is the responsibility of the coach to inform and enforce these conduct guidelines with their players.

Players’ Code of Conduct

  1. Play for the "fun of it" and the camaraderie.
  2. Play by the rules. Never argue with the Referee's decisions – like you they will make mistakes. Let your captain or coach ask any necessary questions.
  3. Control your temper - no "mouthing off", at the referee or other players.
  4. Work equally hard for yourself and your team - your team's performance will benefit and so will your own.
  5. Be a good sport. Acknowledge all good play, whether your team's or your opponents.

    Treat all players, coaches and officials, as you yourself would like to be treated.

Coaches’ Code of Conduct

  1. Be reasonable in your demands on the players' time energy and enthusiasm. Remember that they have other interests.
  2. Teach your players that rules of the game are mutual agreements that no one should intentionally evade or break.
  3. Develop team respect for the ability of opponents, as well as for the judgment of officials and opposing coaches.
  4. Make a personal commitment to keep yourself informed on sound coaching principles and the principles of growth and development of players.

Game Officials’ Code of Conduct

  1. Control the game in a fair and positive manner, respecting the abilities of the participants.
  2. Modify your approach to suit the level of the teams.
  3. Be consistent in your decisions and your interpretation of law.
  4. Help players understand decisions by explaining your decisions where necessary.
  5. Encourage fair play & do not tolerate foul play.
  6. Remember you are there to facilitate a game, not to dominate.

Spectators’ Code of Conduct

  1. Remember that players are not there to entertain you and they are not miniature "pro athletes".
  2. Be on your best behaviour. Don't use abusive language or harass players, coaches or officials.
  3. Acknowledge good play by your own team and the opposing team.
  4. Show respect for your team's opponents.  Without them there would be no games.
  5. Never put down or abuse a player for making a mistake during a game.
  6. Do not condone the use of violence in all forms.
  7. Respect the referee’s decisions.
  8. Encourage players always to play according to the rules.
Click Download button below for Acknowledgement of Code of Conduct form.
Click Download button below for the of sample Incident Report form.
Entry by any person or team into the venue constitutes acceptance of the rules and any decisions made by the organizers.

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